Stillness is necessary in order to appreciate movement...
Lately as winter seems to linger on and the hope of spring seems yet another day away, I long for the freedom of fresh air, open skies, and the wonder of knowing that my backyard is yet another room for my soul to reside.
I anxiously await the fresh warm breeze coming through my windows, I long for walks listening to the leaves rustle with the wind, and the feeling of warm sunshine washing over my face. My spirit is longing for the movement of the spring season, the growth that it brings, and the life that it renews.
I can't help but also realize that often my life mirrors my desire for the changing seasons. Often I find myself in a season of staleness, craving growth and movement. I am ready to run and yet God says "wait", I am ready for movement and yet God says "be still," I am ready to awaken my lungs and yet God says, "remain silent."
Gloom lingers on in the gray and cold skies above and impatience brings unrest to my overly anxious heart. If the outdoors would just get warmer, if my life just had a new adventure are the thoughts that spur my discontentment.
Stillness is necessary in order to appreciate movement...
You do not know what you are capable of, You do not know who you were created to be until that defining moment when stillness turns to movement and you become aware of the changes that took place to get you where you are. I reflect back on my life, to my seasons of gray, and it makes me appreciate so much more the vibrancy and the hope that I now have in my heart. When I step outside and inhale that sweet warm air, I appreciate it all the more because I know that it is truly a gift.
Stillness is a time to reflect, a time to appreciate all that God has brought us through and all that He has provided us with, it is a season of understanding and praise for a God who follows each season with the hope of another.
Appreciate the movement but reflect on the stillness--the one could not be possible without the other.