Thursday, March 13, 2014

Good is not Always God

I find myself consumed with busyness--I make a list in order to simplify and yet everything on that list is good, nothing stands out as, "Ah-Ha--this is it!" I keep thinking if I just write everything out that somewhere down the list I will see the big bold thing that is causing all the stress and exhaustion in my life; instead, I see a list full of good things.
It goes against our nature to stop or to take a break from what is good; usually if it is what the world deems good, we then set out to consume ourselves even more with it.  Have you ever stopped to think though that maybe all the sickness, stress, worry, fear, exhaustion, and burn out is not caused by something bad in our lives but perhaps by something "good" in our life?

It is time to reevaluate, reconsider, and reprogram our brains to not go by a standard of good but of God.

What has God called you to?  What has God filled you with?  What does God want for your life?
There are plenty of good people in the world but that does not mean that they are saved by God. Why do we then assume that just because something is good or beneficial that it means it is from God or what God wants for our lives. Its time to take out that list, pray over all that fills the page, and ask God to separate what is good from what is of God.

I don't want to be filled by weariness. I want to be consumed by wonder.

Good is not always God.

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