There is a core to all of us, a deep seeded dwelling that holds the purpose, plan, and personality that God brought us to this earth with. We were made to glorify a king, to use the abilities he uniquely gifted us with to edify and enhance His kingdom. He gave us personalities,
giftings, and a purpose that holds no shame, no blame, and no limits in glorifying our Savior. But just as Adam and Eve covered themselves out of shame and
embarrassment, we also hide ourselves behind walls of worldly definition, we tell God that who he made us is not complete, that what he gave to us is not enough, and that we need more to be more. (
Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame..Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.)
Who do you say I am? God replied " I am who I am" God hides behind no definition, He defines creation, He defines completeness and the existence of all that is. When someone asks who I am, I am often left to compile a laundry list of items that I feel define my existence: I am a wife, I am a daughter, I am a sister, I am a writer, I am an athlete, I am an organizer, I am artistic, I am a professional, I am... When all labels and possessions are stripped away..who am I? (
Moses said to God, "Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' Then what shall I tell them?" God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.")
We often associate the word simple with common, ordinary, naive, or plain; however, simple also means unaffected, unassuming, not complicated, sincere, and free of deceit or guile. God has placed in my heart a prodding towards returning to simplicity: this prodding has often come in the form of remolding and restructuring my way of thinking and living. He has stripped away the things I once thought defined me and while it left me feeling naked and vulnerable and left me with anxiety and fear in wanting so
desperately to hide behind my own
definitions once again; God has brought me to a place of freedom and inspiration in not feeling captive and chained to the things of this world. He has shown me that who I am is not dependent on the world around me or on my own abilities. There is peace that washes over me when I give over control and when I allow God to bring me back to the core of my existence, when I allow him to define me, and when I follow His leading and not my own. This of course takes work, it is a daily process of returning to simplicity, it is an inner battle to give over control and some days I am stronger than others but I am more aware now of when this internal battle is taking place. When my desperate need for control rises within me I can realize that something other than God has taken my attention and that I have missed the mark in giving God
praise and have fallen once again to my own selfish need for existence.
I watched a movie that had a quote in it that I felt inspired by, in the movie an angel and a man, who was living after his own selfishness, were having a conversation about purpose. The angel tells the man, "It's simple...God is Love so we are to Love, God
sacrificed everything so we must sacrifice everything." The man looked at the angel and said, "That's not simple." and the angel replied with, "Sure its simple, its just hard." Tearing down our walls of pride, sacrificing our own praise for the praise of God is simple in nature but hard in application.
True praise and devotion come in giving gifts to God that mean something to us. If what we must sacrifice is not hard or difficult then it must not mean much to us in the first place and is only an empty gift at the feet of a king. Our worship and our praise should cost us everything so that in giving him our all, He can be our everything.
From The Inside Out- Hillsong United
A thousand times I've failed Still your mercy remains And should I stuble again Still I'm caught in your grace Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame My heart and my soul, I give You control Consume me from the inside out Lord Let Jutice and praise, become my embrace To Love You from the inside out Your will above all else, my purpose remains The art of losing myself in bringing you praise