Friday, December 23, 2011


Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Matthew 21:22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

1 John 5:14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

I can't help but wonder lately why sometimes the things we pray for seem to go unanswered, why when we pour out our hearts before God, He does not quickly answer.  There are so many verses in the bible that repeat the same pattern of "ask and you shall receive,"  and yet day after day my prayer remains the same.
I wonder how as Christians we should truely be praying.  I am often selfish in my prayers, pleading with God to take away difficulties, struggles, pains, and I wonder if my prayer life should instead be for understanding of God's good and perfect will.

Lately I've felt God remind me time and time again that "It's not always about you."  I think my unanswered prayers are a weakness in my own faith, I wonder often if I am keeping myself from the blessings of God, and yet I keep being reminded that God works for the good in ALL things.  My unanswered prayers could be God working in the hearts of others, of Him preparing  a way that goes beyond my greatest expectations, and of Him allowing the Holy Spirit to stir the hearts of those who have fallen away-- to be turned back through circumstances and situations that I continually pray for.  I often think my prayers go unheard, or unanswered, or that God has turned away from me and yet maybe I am in the very middle of His greatest mission of furthering His kingdom through my prayers and my circumstances.

Today I pray for a matter that has been close to my heart for many months and instead of praying for God to lift this burden and take away this hardship, I will instead pray that His will would be done in all matters concerning this issue and that His kingdom may be furthered greatly because of it.  I pray for a better understanding of trust in relying on God for all my needs and for patience in understanding that it's not always about me and that it is the hearts and souls of others that should be my primary focus. 

My prayer today is that you would reign over everything in my life Lord, that your great power may be evidenced in the circumstances that seem overwhelming and impossible.  Lord, I pray for Your will to be done and not my own.  I pray for a heart like Mary's Lord that is accepting of wherever you take me, through any and all circumstances, to greather further your kingdom, and be used by you in your great mission.

I know my prayer will be ansered today Lord, because I have confidence that All things work together for your good.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fear is Always an Opportunity to Trust.

Following the voice of God is always the clearest path, but it's usually the most exhausting journey.  It always seems that as you grow closer to God, His voice, and His direction, the more susceptible you become to Satan's lies and snares.  There have been many times lately where I can hear my self say, "I know this is of God but it sure seems to be spiritually, physically, and emotionally draining."  My clear purpose becomes cluttered with worries, fears, and doubts and it becomes an internal struggle to push them aside and to keep my path straight to the destination God so clearly told me to go.

I've heard people tell me, the closer you grow to God the harder the devil has to work at forcing you away.
We are getting ready to make a major move, to start a role in Ministry within a church miles and miles away from our families and friends. While we both know that this is the will of God, each day seems to come with more and more resistance, as the moving date quickly approaches.  Thoughts fill my mind of "what about this, or what about that, or what if this happens, or what if this doesn't happen."  Discouragement, fear, and lies consume my mind and its an every day battle to push them aside and to take that next step boldly in faith.  I don't know all the answers of how things will work or how things will turn out, I don't know all the answers to my questions but I know who holds the answers and I know that His response is never a lie, never a trick, but always a promise of hope.

There is a battle for our minds, there are traps set for our feet, and there are lies being spoken that we must choose what to do with.  Every opportunity to fear is an opportunity to trust.  There is always a choice and there is always a response. My prayer is that my choice will always be quick and that my response will always be the same, "May the peace that passes all understanding guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus."

The journey is certainly exhausting these days but the purpose is clear and I will continue to take each day as it comes and choose to walk boldly in Christ.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Spirit of Christmas

I was reflecting on the Nativity Story, once again, as the Christmas season approached and I felt that my eyes were opened to two new lessons.  I have heard the story so many times and have always simply focused on the birth of Jesus and the meaning behind his coming to Earth. This year my attention seemed to be focused more on Mary and Joseph's story.  Two individuals, with human hearts, who are placed in circumstances that are beyond most peoples understanding or acceptance, and yet they followed God even when they had not yet seen what Christ's presence on this Earth would mean.  They held on to hope and it was that hope that gave them the strength to overcome circumstances that would change their lives forever.

We usually get in our minds that when God does something important he creates circumstances and surroundings that are full of peace, luxury, and ease; however, in the birth of His one and only Son--the circumstances and surroundings were full of difficulty.  Mary was shamed by her family and her community because they could not understand, yet Mary had to continue to work and to live amongst them throughout the entire pregnancy.
At the birth of Christ, it was a cave or a stable that was meant for animals, where God had her give birth to the Christ child.  It wasn't a luxurious hotel, filled with adoring staff, and a comfortable atmosphere that greeted her, it was yet again another set of circumstances that proved as a test of the Hope that she had in her God.

All of this just really flooded my heart this year and made me wonder if my heart is as willing as Mary's to accept the challenges, the adversity, and the difficulties that may surround when the very hand of God is leading me to His promise and His will for my life?  Am I under the assumption that life will become easy if it's God's will for me to move, to change, to take that next step in His direction? 

The Nativity Story made me think of the word "Perspective." 
It made me understand that God almost always brings about impossible circumstances to show His power, His peace, and His providence in our lives when He asks of us to follow Him and to live out His will for us.
This journey was never meant to be easy but it is the peace of God that passes all understanding and guides our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.

This Holiday my prayer is that I would have a Spirit of peace in saying to God, "if it is your will Father, then let it be so."