Tuesday, February 14, 2012


How do we understand when God says wait?

There is a worship song that has the lyrics...
"He gives and takes away, He gives and takes away, my heart will choose to say, blessed be the name."

We want things so badly, we desperately plead with God for answers for understanding, for relief.  There are those moments when we get so excited, we get full of hope and we feel that our prayers have finally been answered; but then in the same breath the hope vanishes and the excitement fades as our answers disappear as quickly as they came.  My first thought in these moments is that I am being punished or that God is being tricky or crafty in playing with my emotions; but my faith requires me to dig deeper and to ask God the harder question of...."Why?"

My last blog was about God's blessings in bringing us comfort and peace, but this blog is directed at the feelings we have when we know God is in control but we don't understand how.  There are blessings God lavishes on us and then there are blessings that God is preparing for us, but that take time.  I know I often feel that if God is not lavishing blessings on me then He must have forgotten about me; but there is a feeling deep inside of me, a level of understanding only stirred by God Himself, that speaks to me and says..."For my ways are not your ways, nor are my thoughts your thought."

I don't know why an answered prayer sometimes gets pulled back up to Heaven but I choose to believe that it is because God has a better answer.  I do not believe that God disappears or that He turns His back on us, but instead I know that God gives us opportunities to grow our faith and to trust in Him so that the true answer to our prayers is not in circumstance but in how we handle circumstances to come.

I believe that all things work together for good when we have given our hearts and our souls to God, but I also believe that our ways are not God's ways and that our thoughts are not always His.

I pray that my heart will always choose to say...Blessed Be The Name, whether He gives or takes away.