The Choice is Easy But Obedience is Hard.
I felt like God spoke that statement to me earlier this week, "The choice is easy, but obedience is hard."
If we are truly seeking after God's direction for our lives and asking Him to show us the way, then He is always faithful to give us the answer. Sometimes (often times) its just not the answer we were wanting to receive.
These are questions I feel that God asked me this past week:
1. Is it furthering the Kingdom?
2. Is it reaching the lost?
3. Are you Ministering to the calling I gave you (not the one you gave yourself)?
4. Are you being Obedient?
After asking myself those questions, I knew what the choice was that God was asking from me. I then had a new choice.....was I going to be obedient?
The Choice is Easy But Obedience is Hard.
I don't know about you but when God speaks to me, it is always direct and to the point. He isn't one to use 100 words when just one will suffice. His statements are profound and eloquent but never confusing. When I get confused with what choice to make, it is always because I mistake God's voice for my own.
The choice is easy when we are seeking after God's direction because He gives it simply. Obedience is hard because we then have to separate our own voice from God's voice. It is our own voice that creates the confusion, clutter, and chaos.
Do not mistake your emotion and your fear for God's calling. God's calling is clear, it is the Devil that adds the emotion and fear to detour us from being obedient. Obedience works hand in hand with discipline. We must be disciplined in seeking God each and every day so that when doubt overwhelms us, we can discern God's voice above the fear and emotion, and remain obedient in the choice He has asked us to make.
There is only one path.
There is only one calling.
The choice is easy...
but obedience is hard.