In having a conversation with my husband the other day we were discussing fear and the lies that the Devil stirs within our hearts and our minds. It always seems that these lies have little particles of truth mixed in with them. It becomes confusing to let go of our fears because the fears are usually matters that we hold very closely to our hearts. They are matters that we are passionate about, matters that become entwined with our identity.
So I sometimes wonder, "How am I supposed to just let go of these things that are so very important to me?"
My husband then stated...You know what the opposite of fear is? I pondered a minute and then he simply stated.....Hope.
Hope is from God. Hope is a promise that God places in our hearts. In God's complete and perfect understanding of who we are, He knows our dreams, longings, and purpose. He knows them very well because He is the one that placed them within us. He made us with purpose, He filled us with hope.
The fear that consume your life is the Devil's way of taking the hope God has placed in your heart and making you question if those things will really happen, if you are capable or competent enough to fulfill those promises. What God meant to inspire the Devil uses to destroy.
The Devil is so threatened by your potential and God's purpose for your life, that He manipulates what is meant to be freedom and turns it into bondage.
What you fear is not the problem. Fear is the problem. God placed those longings, desires, and passions within you. He placed them in you to create hope.
Don't believe the Devil's Lies. Don't allow the Devil to take away what God has promised to you.
You were never meant to let go of God's promise. You are asked to let go of any fear that holds you back from those promises.
Who Do you trust More? The one that creates Hope? Or the one that Stirs Fear?