Thursday, September 26, 2013

Letting Go...

Have you ever held on to something so tightly?
You enter into your worship with God holding on to that emotion somehow thinking that you will get God's attention and favor if you worship Him while holding on to it.   Almost as if you are tricking God by saying, "Here I am Lord--Oh, and while I'm here---Do you see this?  It's important to me--Please Lord answer my prayer."  God asks us to lay it down and our white knuckles show that we haven't let go in a very long time.  God says very lovingly, "I want you to lay it down at my feet--its safe there--now stand tall and hold out your hands and worship."  Our song is timid at first as we try to sing and look down at God's feet.  God stops us, lifts our head, looks into our eyes with love and says, "it's okay my child--keep singing."  Each verse get a little louder and stronger as our eyes close and our hands lift and God's presence consumes us.  We feel overwhelmed, full, content, complete; we open our eyes to see God standing in front of us saying, "I love your worship but I desire your heart, I desire your empty hands because it is only then that I can fill them with my love and blessings for you."

When we take the focus off our problems, our emotions, our needs and lay them at God's feet, it is then and only then that God can fill us and renew us.  God needs empty hands so that there is room for His blessings.

True worship leaves us so full that when we turn to leave, we also leave what we had held so tightly to at God's feet.

There is no more room because God has filled us.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

When He Whispers

I was walking the other morning and having a quiet time with God.  I was feeling defeated by a situation in my life and was asking God why He wouldn't move me from it.  I was trying to prove my point by sharing with Him that I just longed to be closer to Him, longed to be more in His presence; but His response was not what I expected.  

He responded and said, "Stephanie, am I the same God that showed up at my Son's baptism at the river?"  I said, "Yes, God."  He said, "Am I the same God that showed up at Desperation when you cried out to me and worshiped me?"  I said, "Yes God."  He said, "Am I not the same God that is with you, speaking to you, right here, right now?"  I said, "Yes God."  He said, "I am the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow."

Why do we always feel that we have to change where we are or who we are to draw closer to God?  When all that really has to change is our heart.  God roars like a lion in situations in our life where He is unmistakable, but then other times He whispers like the wind, and only the trained ear and the right heart can hear.  God is everywhere, always speaking to us, always desiring relationship.  We don't have to create mountain top experiences to hear God's voice---He meets us in our valleys.

God may be the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow; but we as a people have the opportunity and the responsibility to not be like the generations of yesterday or today. We can open our ears, change our hearts, and be a people who no matter our situation, no matter our circumstances, no matter our surroundings are hearing from God.  We can be stirred by His roar and be inspired by His whisper to change our tomorrow--to life a life knowing His voice.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Be Still

There are those moments when you feel completely alone, separated from the world around you.  You feel full of fear that maybe you are disappearing or that you are forgotten. A still small voice whispers into your heart, words so strong and true that you stop and take notice. A gentle peace washes over your heart, a moment of clarity awakens your mind; and you hear statements of truth and hope that shine light to every hidden area of your soul.

To hear the voice of God...You need only to be still.  

You are never alone
You can never disappear
You are never forgotten

Those moments where you feel completely alone, separated from the world around....God has something to speak into you--You need only to be still.