Monday, May 24, 2010

Beauty All Around...

There are times in life when we crave growth, we crave life, and as we anxiously await God to uproot us and replant us among new scenery; He instead chooses to keep us as we are, where we are. Frustration insews as we are so desperate for something more, something grander, to be used in such a way as to leave a mark in this world.Everyday beauty is taken for granted, we are under the impression that to mean more we must always be doing more. We push ourselves to perfection, to ageless beauty, to feel surrounded by purpose and importance. Instead of a joy life becomes a struggle, an every day battle for something more, something new, and something of grand inspiration.

Life is always moving even when we aren't
Happiness can be felt even if no one else is feeling it
Joy can be evident even when no one else sees
Life is happening all around us whether we choose to share it with the world
or keep it close to our hearts.
God has something to tell us each and every day, He longs to show us His creation every morning. We are so focused on feeling alive that we forget the reason we are alive.
Creation screams the praises of God.

I planted flowers along by back patio this past weekend, one plant in particular is in the very corner. It is hanging away from the public's eye but yet it holds great importance to me, because in my place of solitude it fills me with beauty, and growth, and wonder and what God is capable of.God does not always choose to plant us in the most open of spaces, or the most populated of gardens, He sometimes plants us where we are because He is using us for His purpose, for His beauty, and for His splendor.
We are always so ready to pray to God to use us but very rarely are we ever willing to be used by Him.

Let your life be an act of worship, as the Lily of the field blooms to the Heavens, keep your heart and your mind on things above and let your beauty and grace be God's splendor.

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