Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Taking Root in Shaky Ground

Jeremiah 17:7
"But blessed is the man who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes, its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

Growing up we aim to please our parents or those in authority over us. Our confidence comes in the acceptance and accolades of those who we desire respect and take pride from. We build our faith in ourselves and the world in how well we accomplish or succeed in what others find noble and honorable. I've always been one that has lived in fear of discouraging, disappointing, or failing in the eyes of others. I shaped my decisions, my desires, my interests around what others felt were acceptable or desirable because while I desired my own self-interest, I ultimately couldn't live with myself without the acceptance of others. Life then becomes a game of trying to live, make decisions, choose wisely your path in hopes of never having to walk alone, never having to feel invisible or abandoned because you didn't follow someone else's vision for your happiness.

We find our roots planted in someone else's garden and while we are growing, branching out, and maturing--we never feel a sense of ownership or self-identity because we leave ourselves vulnerable to be tended to by someone else. As humans--our confidence is always wavering, always dependent on something or someone else and we all fail, we all fall short and therefore when our confidence is rooted and grounded in those around us-- we are never safe, never firm, never stable because we are a people who stand on shaky ground, we are all lost, we are all desperate and dependent on another for our esteem, self-pride, and identity.

Not everyone thinks the same, acts the same, has the same interests, fears, or joys. We are created as individuals and yet spend our lives desperately trying to find companionship in the sense of self-awareness and acceptance. When someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't understand or accept your way of thinking--does this make your identity less worthy? less honorable? less right? No. Our trust and confidence are in the Lord--there is no fear or worry because God is faithful--He brings growth and harvest, an abundance within us in all seasons and all circumstances of our life. In a drought (loneliness), in heat (when decisions are hard or uncomfortable), God is faithful, He never changes, He is consistent in character and understands the uniqueness of His creation. We are never alone in Christ, He is never without a purpose or plan for our life and when everyone stands against us--it is our Lord who stands for us.

We are to live confidently in Christ--He alone is our confidence, our trust, our encouragement. In a world of instability and self centered disasters--it is God who places us on sold ground and comes to where we are. We please him not by conforming but by confronting those that oppose us and trusting in Gods plan and purpose for our own unique lives.

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