There are days where I feel exposed, vulnerable and raw, days where I’d like to stay inside and hide. The hiding is not from fear or struggle but a genuine desire to keep all that God has been filling me with from overflowing outside of my own control. God gets a hold of our hearts, He shakes our souls, and in tearing down our walls, we can’t help but feel exposed. I hide from outside sources, from complexity beyond spiritual design; I bask and contemplate all that has fallen behind and all that stood the test of time.
The world around us craves exposure, purpose comes from being seen and heard, but what does it mean for me when I crave the calm, when I’m content in my own company and when the only voice I desire is the still small voice of God.
I am ready to shine but not of my own design. I am ready to stand out in front but not unless God is standing behind. This desire of earthly exposure is a platform of fear, but when God is working in our hearts and in our souls, His peace we desire to keep from all that threatens around us.
There is a balance of give and take—too often it falls on the side of take. We put ourselves on platforms to be seen as givers when our true intent is to take from the world all that our selfishness needs. To truly give is to sit in the shadows, it is to listen and not to speak, and it is to stand amongst the fall and to be willing to give your all for all that you can’t fathom or comprehend. It is to be used by God and not by the world.
God calls us to seasons of quiet, seasons of peace, seasons of hibernation because he is storing within us all that the world threatens to take away. It is God who calls us into the light and until those moments in time, I bask in being hidden in His grace, staying safe inside the wonder of His sovereign arms and giving to him all my needs.
When God calls us to ministry the world around us can become busy and full of noise, he gives us seasons of stillness to rest our souls and prepare us for the plans he has for us.
Enjoy the Quiet, Bask in stillness, take rest in the shadows, and embrace the desire to just be in a relationship with God and not the world around.
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