Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Power of God in the Purpose of our Words

My Prayer today is that the words of my mouth may sing your praises
And that your power in my life would be evident in all that I say.

It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul and lately I am learning that it is the tongue that is the mirror to our faith. There is power in words. God gave us a voice to speak, He gave us authority to proclaim, and He gave us knowledge to form our words wisely. I have felt convicted lately for the words that have been leaving my lips. The words that I have uttered have been words of pride, words of fear, words that have torn others down, and words that have failed in giving God the glory He deserves. When I look back and try to find the reasoning behind those words, the reason is simply a heart wayward from God and a mind determined to glorify self instead of God.

Proverbs 17:27
The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint,
and whoever has understanding is even-tempered.

If we have a strong faith in God, if our identity and our purpose are found in God alone and not in people or things of this world, if the measure of our success is based on the leading of the Holy Spirit in our life, then there is no need to speak words or create noise to bring attention to ourselves. The words of our lips, the actions of our hands, and the direction of our feet should bring glory to God and should be evidence of His work in our life. He should be our voice in times of doubt and affliction and the restraint we practice should be the proof of the knowledge and understanding that we have in our creator, God.

We have the power of God to use our voice to reveal His power and presence in our life.

Proverbs 19:1
Better the poor whose walk is blameless
than a fool whose lips are perverse.

Our wealth and our worth radiate in the peace of our hearts and the restraint of our words. True faith is allowing God to speak through you, the Spirit to guide you, and to make your own words few so that you do not miss an opportunity to be used by God-- to be His voice to the lost, the hurting, and those needing encouragement.

In my life I hope that I can find rest in the quiet, that my words can be few so that I can better hear the voice of God and so that I have every opportunity to encourage and impact the lives of those around me with His words and not my own.

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