Saturday, October 31, 2009
Light of My life

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Inspired by Design
A blank canvas inspires me as it's textured white expanse await vibrant colors and brush strokes that will make the ordinary something extraordinary.
A snow covered path that has yet to be touched--a perfect blanket of white innocence that makes me feel more alive as I leave my mark on the world one footprint at a time.
New beginnings always sound desirable until you are standing at the crossroad. An artist anticipates the first stroke, the writer ponders their first word, a journeyman excites over undiscovered land, but why then is a life filled with unknowns and a severed past terrifying?
When we are not the creator, not the one making the course; what was once inspirational now becomes a battle of trust. To hand over the brush, to close the journal, to close one's eyes and take the first step is faith that there is one who is inspired by more than what I can comprehend.
I am now the journal, the canvas, the uncharted path and it is God, the Ultimate Creator, who makes me into His own creation.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Seasons of Comfort
Her world is full of irony as her wishes somehow become misdirected realities of unquenchable release.
She finds her deepest conversations alone during a mid-morning walk, her greatest friends are those who see her through every season: the blossom of the spring flower, the cicadas loud cry in the summer, the crispness of a leaf in the fall, and the smoothness of an icicle reaching down in the winter.

These are her consistencies, these are her faithful companions--the things she captures and surrounds herself with in her moments of loneliness when the noise becomes too much.
Nature's beauty, its rawness, its vulnerability to conditions beyond its control--its unique ability to be faithful without reason, to be beautiful without help, and to speak to her soul without words.
She never feels alone in this quiet stillness because it is in this moment her head and her heart listen to something beyond the audible, beyond the sensational, and beyond the approachable--is is in this moment that she is humbled to hear what God has to say to her beyond what mere words can capture.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My perfect surrender I know is not enough, but to You I give it all.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
You are the Potter and I am the Clay
As grace is a gift, peace a promise, hope happens despite my attempts, desires, fears and ambitions. My hope does not come from these eager hands, this overflowing mind, or this blank canvas before me. Who has created my inspiration? Who has awakened this heart of mine? My canvas, my colors, my thoughts, my plans come from the one who created the world from blankness--who created black and white expanses of separation to a world he soon filled with colors.
I can never finish the picture, I never know how to finish the project, my words never seem complete, my heart always feels full; but these pictures are not my own, these words lack deeper understanding, my heart is not my own, my projects are mirror reflections to something greater within. So I paint to the one that creates inspiration, my words are directed to He who reads between them, my purpose is His plan--this chaos within I give to Him to create something beautiful.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Life is art--it is the ability to capture an everyday occurrence, zoom in on one item and be able to blur the background until that item, your item, becomes your focus. I walk and pass a leaf and to me I see a green blur as I focus on the path in front of me, but the very next day I take notice of a single solitary leaf and the path in front of me begins to blur as I draw my attention to every vein, every cell, every pigment of color reflecting off that one single item.
Life is sometimes lived in the blur and other times it is captured in the details--each have their beauty, each have their purpose, without the other the one would not help balance the other. Focus requires balance- the ability to move forward, step backwards, see your surroundings, but understand your focal point.
As I set my attention to Christ the world around me blurs and creates a backdrop of millions of colors and patterns to illuminate and capture my focus of His power, His beauty, and His purpose.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Doors Closing

Eyes closed, I will my heart to make the first move. I dare one foot to be braver than the other, knuckles are white as I hold on tight, and I gasp for air as if it will be my last. Letting go has never been easy to do. Fingers slip from the mold, I’m losing my hold—I’m letting go, willing myself to grow—finding that I can’t breathe, not sure what to believe.
I am broken as I fall into You—nothing left to give but these pieces of broken heart I’ve been holding on to. I am deafened by the sound of silence as doors close with no noise, all that I thought I knew I give to you. Be my eyes in this darkness, my strength in this weakness, be my guide when I want to run and hide. You are my hope, my reason, my dream, take these pieces that are left of me.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Process
Monday, October 5, 2009
Perspective As A Mirror
I wondered to myself--where am I every night that I miss such a brilliant scene of nature? What else am I missing, taking for granted, or assuming does not exist? As Romans 3:34 states, "What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness?" Nature changes depending on where you live, but because I do not see the snow capped mountains does not mean that they do not exist. If one does not experience the changing colors of leaves from vibrant green to brilliant red, does this change not take place? Everywhere we are, no matter where we are, God has put His creation, His creativity, His power and beauty around us. Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--His eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
Perspective is relative though to one who's eyes are taking in the scenes around them. To one person a setting sun over the horizon inspires hope and creates a stirring of the spirit to express emotions, words, and feelings; but to another, that very setting sun creates fear, anxiety, and depression as they know that darkness will soon follow.
Our personalities, beliefs, histories, feelings, and emotions cause us all to have different reactions to things and to see images, shapes, and colors uniquely than that of another.
"Nature always wears the colors of the spirit." --Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, October 4, 2009
The Plan

Sometimes in life I get so stressed trying to make my life happen, trying to make lists and goals, that I fail to realize that my life is already happening. When I follow my heart instead of a list, I actually accomplish more, I enjoy my tasks and activities, and I take the pressure off of myself by not having to accomplish crazy things just to have a sense of completion.
I take my dog Rigby for a walk and he will get so excited that he will pull and gag himself just trying to get himself an inch further ahead of where he is. He wants control and wants to pull because he's so anxious to see what's ahead. He doesn't realize that the leash is for his own safety and that I am his protector. He has 10 feet of bliss he could be enjoying without the anxiety and the gagging. God is our protector, what often feels like being held back is God maintaining our boundary of safety. He gives us adequate room to move and live and enjoy our lives, but we are always pulling ourselves forward trying desperately to get ourselves to a destination that we don't even know exists. We cause ourselves physical and mental harm in this process of discontenment, when God is asking us to walk with Him, trust His guidance, and enjoy the journey that He is taking us on.
Lists and goals are necessary at times to help us remember and to give us an extra push but more often then not, I feel that God is telling us, "The plan is for you to not have a plan and to trust My Plan."
For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:11
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Welcome to my own little world

I don't understand the past, I can't make sense of the present, and I have no idea what the future holds, but I do know that God does. My God is a God who makes happy endings; however, it is the journey of getting there that is brutal; but through all my ups and downs--the poor Me's and the victim mentality, God's promise has proved true "For I will never leave you nor forsake you." You can only work with what God has put in front of you. When I stopped trying to make my life happen I realized that my life was happening. When I was content with less I grew in abundance. When I stopped focusing on me is when I began to better understand me.