Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Do You Trust God with Your Story?

I find myself continually questioning the journey God has brought me on. If I do in fact believe it is a Journey that God, Himself, has placed me on, then who am I to question His reasoning? My questioning comes from my lack of faith in God and not the journey.

I pray to God sincere prayers of my deepest desires to be led by His hand, by His will, and by His understanding and as He answers my prayers, I question him the entire way. I am like the annoying child in the back of the car asking, “Are we there yet? Why are we going this way? Why did she/he get to go the other way?” I am constantly trying to judge my journey on fairness, on my own earthly understanding, and by my own selfish motives.

I have a hard time understanding why there were some broken roads along the path, why others who are dear to me have had broken roads in their pasts, and how to make sense of the brokenness in who I am today. I only know my story, but I find myself so often trying to depict everyone else’s story to make sense of my own. If he did this then, then what does that make me now? As if it will all fit together like a giant puzzle in my mind, I mull over the pieces of life and try to find a picture of something, someone, and anything that brings clarity to the questions of my heart.

I think the hardest part of faith, is in knowing that there will be questions which will not have answers on our time frame. The very meaning of faith is the belief in something you cannot see, trusting in someone you cannot fathom, and believing that there is a greater power than that of your own.

Are you confident in Christ? That is the question I ask myself today. I can spend a lifetime focusing on the pieces of the puzzle, or I can step back, broaden my vision, and embrace the picture. Our life has hundreds of pieces that form a magnificent picture. The beauty does not come from the piece but from the whole—life is a process, a journey. Do you trust God with the pieces of your heart? Do you trust God with the bigger picture? Do you trust God with your story?

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