Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beauty to Behold, Freedom to Create

To sing a song, empowered by such emotion, that my voice stretches to make its power known.

To run such a race, that my body glistens in response to the endurance I put it through.

To write a novel, with words so inspiring, that it provokes thought to those that read it.

To paint with vibrant colors, to leave my presence, a mark of beauty on the ordinary.

We were all born in the image of our creator—A Creator who put within us the desire to sing, run, write, or paint—to bring a mark of beauty within our world, to mirror our heavenly father, and to create something of greatness with our own human hands.

I often find myself desperate for an escape, for a release, to somehow make sense of all that I feel inside by creating beauty from the chaos. I don’t want to medicate the feelings, don’t want to sweep them under a rug, I want to find the beauty in all I feel, the journey life brings me through, I want to give back to God a gift of beauty. It is only in creating that I find peace, that I find understanding, that I make sense of all the colors and textures within my life. It is only in taking the time to understand how all the pieces fit together, how one color compliments another, and how the darkness sometimes brings depth to the light that I can fully understand all that I feel inside.

What I often forget though is that God is the ultimate creator and that while my pieces are original to me, they have always been known to Him. I get so caught up in the design, in the plan, in the originality of life that I lose perspective, I waste my energy and emotion on trying to control rather than create and reflect the image of the creator. My place is to reflect, to utilize, and to make beauty out of what He gives to me. Every day I have the ability to make something beautiful, to be something inspiring—He gives me the gift of being an artist, he gives me the stage, the tools, and the talent. He says to each of us, “sing me a song, run me a race, write me a novel, paint me a portrait.”

It is in our free will to form a melody, to find a path, to open the pages, and to swirl the brush—He gives us freedom to express ourselves, to find ourselves, and to be a part of the beauty that He created in and around all of us.

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