Friday, January 29, 2010

Making Less of More

What words could you say that would lift this burden from me? I’m waiting for hope that I fear I will never find. My greatest enemy is this restlessness that no one else can see. A constant want for more than what you seem to be ready to give, keeps my eyes from the joy of this life you’ve given me to live.

The sun rises every morning- an eternal clock that tells of your faithfulness in pushing out the dark. Vibrant colors that artists can only mirror in hopes of capturing the glory you provide. A shadow reminds me that you are always behind me, shining the light that provides the way to go.

In blissful ignorance I rush out the door not even taking the time to see the hope you bring to me. I run in exhaustion trying to catch my breath—my exertion only results in irony. What I ask from you only gets in the way of what I truly need. It is my own mind that is my demise.
Am I listening to what you have to say? Can waiting come from running? This restlessness is in trying to capture more and forgetting the reason I live.

Does my cry of loneliness bring a tear to your eye? Does my constant need for more leave you feeling not enough? Is my desperate search for your purpose simply my own desperation for control? Do the praises I give only bring you emptiness? I sing you are all I need but my cries are consistent in wanting more.

I long to truly worship you, I wish I could say I give you my all. I know that it is me that brings this distance between. It is my weakness that blinds me from your power and keeps me from knowing your strength.

I desire so much more—when I should desire less. I scream when you’ve asked for silence. I run when you ask for me to be still.

In trying to be more, I make less of what You are.

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